"The physician's highest calling, his only calling, is to make sick people healthy - to heal, as it is termed."
Aphorism 1 from "The Organon of Medicine," by the legendary physician, "father of modern homeopathy," and the only doctor with a statue of his likeness in our nation's capitol:
-- Dr. Samuel Hahnemann,

a naturopathic dispensary
In light of the recent pandemic, I want to extend to anyone who reaches this site an offer of:
25% off everything in the site.
FullScript only stocks the finest and most rigorously tested natural products available, and I am confident that the brands they stock are completely vetted.
You only need to make an account with them through my portal. Your information will remain HIPPA-secure.

Pristine Air and Surfaces
After a long search and much deliberation, I have decided to use a patented ActivePure technology device in my home and office. Medical-grade technology is available to consumers that kills germs and toxins in the air within 3 minutes, and on surfaces within 3 hours.